Designed by Fernau & Hartman Architects, this contemporary house, overlooking Tomales Bay, maintains a wonderful architectural integrity throughout. The roof is standing-seam metal, as is the siding on the window bench alcove of the master bedroom. Most of the exterior siding is cement shingle with aluminum trim. The kitchen pop-out is sided with copper shingles, continuing around the interior kitchen walls. Similarly, cedar shingles side the master bedroom walls and continue around the interior walls. This construction gives the impression that these rooms are individual units placed into the main structure. Interior finishes include stained MDF (particle board) wall paneling with aluminum trim, glass tile showers, bamboo floors throughout and bamboo ceilings in the kitchen and master bedroom. The challenge (and fun) of this project was working with and detailing the various materials – steel, stainless steel, copper, aluminum, concrete, MDFand wood.